Wisdom Teeth Removal & Management

We’ll take care of your wisdom teeth removal procedure and quickly get you back to your life.

Why Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

On the off chance that you need more space in your mouth for your third molars to completely eject, various issues can occur. Impacted wisdom teeth ought to be expelled before their root structure is completely established. In certain patients it can happen when you are 12 or 13, or it may not be until the mid-twenties. Issues can generally happen after the age of 30.  Potential issues can include:

Dental Consultation

Tooth infection:

The most incessant clinical issue we see is pericoronitis, (an infection that is localized). Without sufficient space for the tooth to come in fully, the gum tissue around the wisdom tooth can become aggravated and infected, bringing about increasing tooth pain, swelling, and issues with biting and swallowing.


Cyst Formation:

Cysts are fluid filled spaces inside the jawbone that can develop because of impacted teeth and gradually extend towards the neighboring jawbone and adjacent teeth. They can be hard to treat if your wisdom teeth are not expelled in your high school years. Albeit uncommon, tumors can be related to postponed wisdom tooth removal.



Affected wisdom teeth may be a major contributing factor to crowding. Generally, this can be an issue with the front teeth, mostly the lower front teeth and is most usually observed after a patient has had braces. There are various components that cause teeth to crowd after braces or in early adulthood. The biggest reason for removal is mainly to prevent long-term harm to your jawbone, teeth, and gums.


Harm to Adjacent Teeth:

On the off chance that there is lacking space to clean around the wisdom tooth, the tooth in-front, the second molar, can be unfavorably influenced bringing about gum disease, bone loss around the tooth, as well as tooth decay.

Types of Wisdom Teeth Impactions

Albeit the vast majority of people grow 32 permanent adult teeth, ordinarily their jaws are too little to even think about accommodating the four wisdom teeth. At the point when inadequate space keeps the teeth from erupting, they are called impacted, which makes it impossible move into the proper position for chewing and cleaning.

Consider the possibility that I Don't Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed As A Teenager Or Young Adult?

As your wisdom teeth develop, the roots become longer and the jawbone more dense. When it is important to expel the affected wisdom teeth in your thirties, forties or beyond, the longer that the procedure is postponed and drawn out the higher rate for complication. It is easier to prevent these complications if the wisdom teeth are removed at a younger age, and you will also heal faster when treated younger.

What Happens On The Day Wisdom Teeth Are Removed?

Most people want to stay in the dark when it comes to knowing exactly what goes on in the surgical room when they are getting their wisdom teeth removed. You will be provided with a specific type of anesthesia to maximize your comfort, and the effectiveness of your procedure. We have over 30 years of experience in the oral surgery field, and use the most advanced techniques, and technology.

Upon your arrival at our office, you will take prescriptions to minimize pain and swelling. We ask that a parent or dependable person to accompany you for the rest of the day. The wisdom tooth removal procedure will take around 30 minutes to an hour. Ongoing advances in medication and innovation permit patients to experience wisdom tooth removals in a way, which advances quick healing and minimal Best in class disinfection and disease control methods are utilized consistently in our office.

dentist showing and explaining dental x ray picture with impacted wisdom tooth to his patient

On the morning of your medical procedure, it is fundamental that you don't have anything to eat or drink for at least 8 hours (ideally more). This doesn't mean you should attempt to fit in one "last supper" precisely eight hours before your medical procedure. Having anything in your stomach can expand the hazard for genuine sedative intricacies, including sickness and vomiting. Your surgery will be rescheduled in the event that you have not regarded these rules. We may equip you with a prescription for pain medicine at your consultation appointment, which for your benefit, can be filled ahead of time. We will make you as comfortable as possible once you arrive at our office and in the surgical room. If you are going under general anesthesia, we will place an IV in your arm, which is quick and painless.

When the sedation wears off, you may require more pain management medicine. It would be ideal if you attempt non-opiate prescriptions, for example, ibuprofen (Advil®) first, to check whether that satisfactorily treats your pain. The nearby sedation may go on until the next day and ought not be mistaken for a physical issue to your nerve.

We suggest a soft cold food diet after a surgical procedure. In the event that you are given anti-biotic and you take birth control, please note that your birth control pills may be ineffective.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost and Wisdom Teeth Insurance

The expense for your treatment is dictated by various variables. These may incorporate the trouble engaged with expelling your teeth and the type of sedation that is best for you. During initial consultation, our surgeons will audit your x-rays, total an assessment and decide the most ideal choice for sedation. Each insurance agency has an alternate amount of coverage with respect to the specific types of surgical procedures. Our office staff will assist you with acquiring the most extreme protection and coverage for your treatment.

Wisdom Teeth FAQ

Wisdom Teeth After Care

How Long Does it Take to Heal Following Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After wisdom teeth removal surgery, it will take time for the jawbone and gum tissue to fully heal. Some discomfort may occur for the first few days, though some people have little to no pain after surgery. However, the soft tissue can still be very sensitive for several weeks, so patients will need to be careful with what they eat and how they care for their mouths.

When to Eat Normal Food Again After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

During the healing process, it is important to avoid eating small, hard foods, such as nuts, seeds or granola, as these may irritate sensitive areas.

Patients should avoid chewing near the extraction site, and if food does get stuck, gently rinse with warm salt water.

Choosing soft, nutritious foods for a post-surgery diet can help with recovery; patients should talk to their oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) about what to eat after wisdom tooth extractions.

Before Surgery

How to Speed Up Wisdom Teeth Recovery

In addition to being conscious of diet, patients who have had their wisdom teeth extracted should be careful with how they care for their mouths during recovery, including:

  • While dental care is still important during this time, electric toothbrushes can be harsh on healing gums, and it is recommended to brush gently with a manual toothbrush.
  • Avoid over-the-counter mouthwash; however, an antibacterial mouthwash may be prescribed.
  • Avoid drinking from straws, as the sucking motion can increase bleeding.
  • Take all prescriptions as prescribed.
  • Do not smoke.

Other Common Side Effects of Tooth Extraction

After wisdom tooth surgery, it is normal to experience some pain and taste blood. Immediately after surgery, patients can experience mild side effects of anesthesia – including dizziness, nausea and shivering. Patients dealing with impacted wisdom teeth or with recurrent TMJ symptoms may feel additional temporary discomfort. In the event of sudden or persistent increases in pain, consult your oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) for treatment options.

What To Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

It can take several weeks to fully heal after a tooth extraction. To support healing, it is important to follow an OMS-approved plan of what to eat after wisdom tooth surgery. The mouth and gums will be very sensitive post-procedure, and while patients can build up a tolerance to more solid foods as time progresses, sticking to very soft or liquid options throughout will give the best results.

What to Eat Immediately After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Because the mouth will be in a very delicate condition for the first few days, oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMSs) recommend eating only soft or liquid-based foods immediately after a tooth extraction.

Anything that can be swallowed with minimal chewing is ideal, such as yogurt, applesauce, broth soups and ice cream.

Soft pureed foods are recommended. Harder foods can be softened in milk or broth for a mushy consistency, and blenders can puree nutrient-rich foods.

Smoothies are a great way to add protein and vitamins to a diet after wisdom tooth extraction, but avoid drinking through a straw to allow the gum tissue to heal undisturbed.

Oatmeal after Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Additional Foods to Consider

As wisdom tooth recovery progresses, patients can begin to add semi-solid foods back into their diets, per their OMS’s recommendations. Hearty options such as these are filling and will put minimal stress on the mouth and gums:

  • Oatmeal
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Very soft pastas
  • Finely cut meats and fish

Regardless of diet, chewing near the extraction site should be avoided if possible, so as not to inflame the area. If food becomes lodged, it is important to rinse with warm salt water and avoid over-the-counter mouthwash.

Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

While healing from wisdom tooth extraction, there are foods and drinks that should be avoided.When planning a post-surgery diet, oral and maxillofacial surgeons recommend leaving foods such as these off the menu:

  • Acidic fruits, such as oranges and tomatoes
  • Carbonated drinks, including sodas and sparkling waters
  • Hard seeds, nuts and popcorn
  • Difficult-to-chew candies, such as taffy
  • Spicy foods
  • Hot drinks

Each of these foods has the potential to irritate gum tissue or otherwise complicate the healing process.

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